Unmask the Truth of
South Dakota
Unmask the Truth
of South Dakota
To Educate the Public of Government overreach, regulations, bills, laws, and such like, that affect our Freedoms and what Action we can take.
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As time passes, we discover more concerning vaccine side effects through testimonies from victims and medial staff.
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The Healthy American
We are associated with ‘The Healthy American‘, a national organization started in California by Peggy Hall.
She educates people on our legal rights and provides helps and resources that are invaluable.
Make Americans Free Again
We are associated with ‘M.A.F.A.’, a national organization that assists state groups in taking our country back .
They support lawsuits, help recruit lawyers, develop legal strategy, and raise money to free Americans from government tyranny.
“Those Who Deny Freedom to Others, Deserve It Not For Themselves.”
Abraham Lincoln
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